My Top Supplements for Women in their 50s
Women in their 30s, 40s and 50s are not all that different. So, you ask, why do I recommend other supplements in each decade of life? Because as we age, there are a few things that start fluctuating, like hormones, and there is more wear and tear on our bodies from all of the good times in our younger years, without thinking of the future consequences.
Truly, during our teen years and 20s, we think we're immortal. Nothing can stop us. Our bodies are resilient to the many insults that we impart on them. We feel unstoppable!
And then it starts dawning on us in our 30s, usually after having children, that we are, indeed, mortal. And we realize, after noticing some weight gain, skin issues, or mood changes, that our past activities in life are catching up with us. We need to start focusing on a healthier lifestyle if we not only want to undo some of the harm that has already been done but also live a long and happy life.
This is why I started this blog series with recommendations of supplements for women in their 30s. HERE IS THE LINK IF YOU MISSED THAT ONE! The 50s is the decade where women, generally, start wanting to take control of her life (and health). It is often the first time they reach out to me for help. Additionally, it is time that they are serious about learning how to live a healthier lifestyle, realizing that they have children watching them and shaping our future generation's health.
When a woman gets into her 40s, we need to undo a little more that has been done to her body, especially if she didn't jump on the healthy bandwagon in her 30s.
This was me, by the way. My life was crazy with having a full-time Ob/Gyn job and infant/toddler twins in my 30s to even care about my health. I was trying to make it through each day back then until my immortality hit me hard after falling off my horse in 2012. And, fortunately for me, I am still alive and can walk, but it was a wake-up call that I had a lot of work to do on my health and war-torn body!
When a woman gets into her 40s, we need to undo a little more that has been done to her body, especially if she didn't jump on the healthy bandwagon in her 30s. This was me, by the way. My life was crazy with having a full-time Ob/Gyn job and infant/toddler twins in my 30s to even care about my health. I was trying to make it through each day back then until my immortality hit me hard after falling off my horse in 2012. And, fortunately for me, I am still alive and can walk, but it was a wake-up call that I had a lot of work to do on my health and war-torn body!
As I am closing in on my 50s, I would like to say that I not only can speak from personal experience when it comes to how we live, or have lived our lives, during our 30s and 40s, but I can also speak to what we start thinking of as we age. For example, considering what strategic supplements to include in our daily regimens to provide the extra health benefits we may not be getting from food or need replenishment due to my former lifestyle choices or hormonal changes.
Top Supplements for 30s, 40s, and 50s
The first three supplements that I recommend for women in their 50s are the same for women in their 30s and 40s. If you missed the blog on those recommended for women in their 40s, CHECK IT OUT HERE. Those three common supplements recommended for women in all three decades are B complex, Magnesium, and Vitamin D. To see the full explanation of why I urge each of these, check out THIS BLOG POST.
And, most women in their 50s will not be on oral contraceptives; they may have transitioned into menopause due to hormonal fluctuations and heavy periods (a common practice among many gynecologists, putting a bandaid on the situation until you enter menopause). So the long-term use of oral contraceptives can deplete a woman's body of B vitamins in addition to all of the other reasons stated previously HERE.
Regardless of age, Vitamin D seems to be deficient in most women I work with unless they sunbathe in warm weather climates daily without sunscreen (which puts them at risk for other health conditions) or use supplements. Magnesium is also deficient in most women and is necessary for their production of hormones and energy. It serves as a natural anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant (something very much welcome as we seem to encounter more aches and pains as we age).
So what are the special supplements that I recommend for women in their 50s?
Calcium with Vitamin K2
When menopause hits and estrogen levels start to decline, we need to focus on maintaining our bone strength. This prevents future bone loss (osteopenia and osteoporosis), which can set us up for fewer adverse outcomes and suffer from a fall or other injury that would undoubtedly result in a fracture if we don't stay strong. Why Vitamin K2? Well, for years as a gynecologist, I would recommend just plain calcium. And guess what? That supplemented calcium went right to the blood vessels, calcifying them (not a good thing) without even touching the bones! I didn't know any different. This is what all GYN's did at that time! Then we learned that we needed to add on Vitamin K2 to make sure that the supplemented calcium went where we wanted it to do...the bones!!!
While I will always support getting your nutrients from food, most women do not consume enough calcium in their diets to satisfy their bodies' needs. So consider supplementation if you find that you are not getting )enough calcium in your diet! Daily recommended intake ranges from 1,000-1,500 mg of elemental calcium, depending on whether or not a women takes hormone replacement therapy.
Here’s an example of Calcium (with magnesium) and Vitamin K2 I suggest.
Omega 3
This is a supplement I recommend for women in their 30s but I recommend it for my ladies in their 50s for a different reason. It promotes a longer life, healthier aging¹, and prevention of dementia.² It may be uncomfortable to consider, but this is the age where random conditions start popping up. That's why it's vital to be proactive and focus on what will take care of our brain health and our overall health.
And just like calcium, many women do not get adequate amounts of omega 3s in their diet and, if they do, absorption of the nutrients tends to decrease as we get older. For this reason, I recommend supplementation or optimal levels.
Here’s a link to my favorite Omega 3 supplement.
These are just the supplements I typically recommend for women in their 50s. As always, work with your doctor to determine if they are a good fit for you and your current medical state.
If you'd like specialty testing to see if these supplements are needed and you have ever considered working 1:1 with me, then apply for a call below to see if we're a good fit! I am currently accepting applications, so jump on this opportunity before my waitlist opens up!