Episode 201

Ep 201 Cover: My Top 5 Supplements For Women In Their 40s

My Top Supplements for Women in Their 40s and Why

I hope all of you ladies in their 40s didn't think that I forgot about you! I'm currently in my 40's so you all hold a special place in my heart!

 Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NMabb6jQLeI

The first three supplements are the same as those I recommend for my clients in their 30s - B complex, Vitamin D and Magnesium! So if you missed that video, go on back and take a look as to why I like to recommend these three for all women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s! 

πŸ‘‰πŸ» https://youtu.be/NIZeBSgZ0PQ 


And chances are, you might have used a birth control pill in the past for contraceptive purposes, but you may find yourself turning to it now that your periods are getting wacky! B complex is super important to get in, even if you get them in the form of a multivitamin.


4. Diindolylmethane (DIM)


DIM is what your body produces after consuming cruciferous veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Let's be realistic, aren’t women eating enough of the veggies daily, let alone cruciferous veggies. Only about 9% of Americans get the recommended amount of vegetables per day.ΒΉ


What exactly does DIM do? It helps break down estrogen into healthier forms, balancing estrogen in the body. I personally like this supplement for women in their 40s because this is the decade where estrogen dominance is the most prevalent. Between the common hormonal changes that occur with peri-menopause in addition to years of exposing our bodies to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, a significant hormonal imbalance seems to strike in the 40s. And not every woman has access to testing to be sure she is breaking down her estrogens into healthier forms, so I often recommend erring on the side of caution and using DIM if you suspect estrogen dominance. 


What are some symptoms of estrogen dominance? Check out this Instagram Reel where I reviewed the most common signs and some things to consider!

πŸ‘‰πŸ» https://www.instagram.com/reel/CNbKQvuDy_Q/?utm_medium=copy_link 


DIM can be found here:

πŸ‘‰πŸ» https://drreneewellenstein.ehealthpro.com/products/dim-avail-60-softgels 


5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps the body defend itself naturally. In addition, vitamin C is an integral part of the immune system and helps with brain and heart health. 


What I love about this critical nutrient is that it is non-toxic!! Your body will not allow you to take too much since your dose may be limited by your bowel tolerance (which means that your stool will become very loose when the dose is a little too much for your body)!


Another thing that I love about this incredible nutrient is that it is water-soluble, which means that your body uses what it needs and then gets rid of it, not storing it in your body.


Why would I recommend this supplement for women in their 40s? Well, think about it, by the time we hit 40, we have done a lot to our bodies, including using toxic skincare and beauty products, exposed ourselves to a little too much sun, drinking a bit too much alcohol (which has worsened over the past year) and eaten foods that weren't always the best for our bodies. So Vitamin C can help with the inflammation and the free radical damage that has been caused by years of not-so-healthy behaviors that tend to start catching up with us in our 40s. It may also help with the production of progesterone, which is important if you are estrogen dominant and need to bring your hormones back into balance.Β² 


My favorite Vitamin C can be found here:

πŸ‘‰πŸ» https://drreneewellenstein.ehealthpro.com/products/buffered-vitamin-c-powder-240g 


While these are my most recommended supplements for women in their 40s, I also strategically supplement others. For example, when working with my 1:1 clients due to nutritional need (based on specialty functional medicine testing), symptom relief (while working on getting to the root cause of their symptoms), or other hormonal or longevity benefits, depending on their medical history and health goals. 


Need Help?

I offer 1:1 Elite Health Consulting Services for 4-6 month periods. This mentorship is like having a holistic doc in your back pocket, with weekly meetings, customized suggestions, and unlimited support. This program is entirely different from checking in with your doc every six months to report the work you didn't do or the results you didn't achieve. Because we meet regularly, you get an accountability aspect of your health journey unavailable in a traditional doctor's office. 


You'll also have access to comprehensive lab testing, customized supplementation and lifestyle suggestions, energetic support, and mentorship to ensure your greatest health ever!


Due to my dedication and focus, spots are limited. 


Apply to work with me by filling out the form below!



Episode 202


Episode 200