What’s Your Libido Type Quiz
Do you remember the old days of cracking open a fresh Cosmopolitan magazine and flipping to the quiz? I used to love to flop on my bed, grab a pen, and tally up my answers to find out what my relationship type, fashion sense, or sex life was!
It was so much fun, especially sharing my answers with friends! But it also taught me a lot about my current situation with tips for how to achieve my goals.
Well, get ready, because we’re going back to the Cosmo days with this quick and easy quiz to help you determine what kind of Libido you have plus give you action steps to feel even better!
If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, tap the button below to find your Libido Type!
Make sure you screenshot or write down your answers at the end because below I’ll explain what these answers mean!
You’ll get a score in five areas, Type S, Type N, Type H, Type M, and Type C. But what do these mean?
Your highest score is your Libido Type. It’ll tell you what Libid0-Buster is most problematic for you right now. Scroll down to find your type, where I explain what it means and give you an action step for feeling better!
What happens if you have more than one high score? Don’t stress, most women score high in at least three categories. I suggest taking your highest score and starting there. You can always come back to this blog or get on my Libido Detox Waitlist to join in the next free 5-Day Challenge!
Libido Types, Explained
Type S
The Over-Stressed Libido
If you are Libido Type S, the primary source of your low libido is most likely due to stress. We were not meant to fight the tiger 24/7 but it seems as though you are and it’s affecting your desire for intimacy.
Action Step: The good news is that there is hope! And it starts with becoming aware of your life stressors. We can only take action on those stressful things in our lives that we identify. Once they are put on our radar, we can then takes steps to improve these stressors.
Pro Tip: Manage one major stressor at a time! Taking on too many all at once will not only lead to increased overwhelm (which I know you are familiar with) but also will prevent you from taking action on improving them. You will be the prisoner of analysis paralysis and end up doing nothing, leaving in the same position that you are on right now.
Type N
The Undernourished Libido
If you are Libido Type N, your dietary choices seem to be the main underlying reason why your libido has tanked. Our diet affects so many things including our gut health, degree of inflammation as well as hormone balance. And while this the lifestyle change of tweaking your good choices is easy, it is not always simple! Small, consistent changes over time lead to big results!
Action Step: Take notice of how much sugar you are consuming and aim to cut down (or cut out) added sugar as much as possible. Become an expert label reader and start looking at the ingredients in the food you are eating. I’m sure you will be shocked to see how sugar seems to creep into everything!
Type H
The Hormonally Imbalanced Libido
If you are Libido Type H, an imbalance in one or more of your hormones seems to be the primary underlying reason why you don't feel like like getting your groove on! While this category encompasses many different hormones with differing affects on the body, the key players are usually cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. But, rest assured, many women fall into this category and even if you have an imbalance in more than one hormone, they can be “fixed” to have you feeling more like yourself in no time!
Action Step: Cut out one of the most common endocrine disrupting hormones that I see plague women, phthalates! I know, big word. But the one big area where they sneak in is in fragrances personal care products. Just think about it...how many perfume products do you put on your body every day? Some very common offenders are shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, and body lotion. And those are just the most common. Anything with the word “fragrance,” “parfum,” or “perfume” are code words for hormone disrupting! AVOID these and choose products that are unscented or use essential oils as fragrance.
Type M
The “Never Good Enough” Libido
If you are Libido Type M, then your mindset plays a big role in your low sexual desire. You are definitely not alone in this category. As a matter of fact, I think every woman who struggles with a lower libido has an underlying mindset component contributing to it, even if it’s the biggest player!
So many women talk negatively to themselves, saying such things as “I’m not enough” or “I’m not worthy.” Therefore, she is always trying to prove herself so as to feel “worthy” and “enough” which usually means taking on too many tasks, doing more for others than herself and running herself ragged. And let’s just bring up how we feel in our bodies! If a woman does not feel comfortable in her skin, more than likely she will not want to be naked (with the lights on) in front of her partner. This does not help an ailing libido.
Action Step: Pick out 5 affirmations that feel empowering to you and say them to yourself every day while looking in the mirror. My favorites are “I am enough,” “I am worthy,” “I am smart,” “I am beautiful,” and “I am powerful.” Journaling is also great so, in addition to saying them, try writing them daily in your journal, as well!
Type C
The Superwoman Complex Libido
If you are Libido Type C, then most likely communication is a major player as to why your libido is not where you want it to be. Your partner, loved ones and friends cannot read your mind. That is why you have to ASK for what you want. You have to communicate!
I get it. I used to have the “superwoman” mentality. I used to feel that I had to do it all….housework, grocery shopping, meal prep, childcare, laundry (I could go on and on...I’m sure you know what I mean) AND my job as a doc...because it’s what I am “supposed” to do. I thought it was part of my role as a mom and wife. I also felt that nobody could do it as well as I could! Guess what? This left me angry, frustrated and resentful! Oh, and exhausted! I realized that at the end of the day, I do not get a trophy for being a superwoman. What did I get? Bragging rights and collapsing into my bed at night with negative emotions that did not serve me. Unfortunately, this is the curse for most women. But, fortunately, there is a way out!
Action Step: I’d like you to start implementing what I call my 4 D’s. Each day, look at your “to do” list. Next, I want you to go through the list and figure out what YOU have to “do,” what you can “delegate” to someone else, what you can “delay” to another time, and what can you completely “delete” off of your list.
I am hopeful that this will narrow your list down to about 3 things a day that you HAVE to get done, that nobody else can do. This will help with the rehabilitation process of the former “superwoman” and allow you to be more normal human!
What Next?
Now that you know your Libido Type and you have a quick action step to help, what can you do next?
You can hope on a call with me to see if the Libido Code is the program for you!